Celebrating the Sacred Feminine
As the days grow shorter and evenings cooler, we look forward to a special time of the year – Navaratri, or the nine nights when Devi, the Divine Mother walks the earth to destroy evil, restore virtue and shower her blessings and wisdom upon mankind.
On the first three days of her earthly sojourn, the Goddess is worshipped as Ma Durga, the fiercely beautiful and deadly foe of every known form of vice. Having cleansed the world, she becomes Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and plenitude. In the final three days, she is Saraswati , giver of wisdom and knowledge, whom we pray to for strength of the intellect. Virtue, prosperity and enlightenment are the hallmarks of a life well lived. It is to renew and reinforce this thought that we celebrate Navaratri.
By definition, a festival dedicated to the sacred feminine is replete with warmth, color and gaiety. Navaratri is celebrated with ritual fanfare when women bring alive the mythic splendor of the Divine Mother by donning rich, traditional apparel and jewelry.
Kanjivaram saris, with their deep, glowing colors, the effulgence of gold and exquisite motifs drawn from nature are inspired by the Goddess herself – ruby, maroon and every shade of red for Ma Durga, blush pink and fuchsia for lovely Lakshmi and cream, yellow and gold to symbolize Saraswati’s pure light of knowledge.
On these nine, glorious days, every woman who drapes herself in sacred colors is an embodiment of Shakti, the sacred feminine, infusing the earth with her creative energies.
Celebrate the spirit of Navaratri or grace the festivities in gorgeous Kanjivarams from Sarangi and embrace your femininity.